Why do we travel?
To find ourselves
To lose ourselves
To find solace
To be inspired
To connect
To disconnect
To forget
To remember
To feel
To let go
We travel
Sometimes, just because
Flights are cheap
And we want to see the world
Taste the new
The unexplored
To see it in a new way
And write it down
To bring back stories
Or leave old ones there
To erase memories
Or create new ones
To seek out love
Or run from it
To walk away
To walk towards
To share
To learn
To open up the mind
Or shut it down
To document pictures
To reframe them
To be transported
To a foreign place
To get away
Or just come home.
P.S. Why do you travel? Post your reasons in the comment box below 🙂
rahkyt says:
Beautifully said. Those’re the reasons I like to travel. Thanks!
coz says:
to lose and find myself
L says:
to appreciate what the world has to offer outside of the busy city i grew up and lived in all of my life 🙂
Jen Tampolino (@JenTampolino) says:
to explore and to get away from the busy city i grew up.
karenskie says:
I also travel to seize the moment and live my life to the fullest!
Life is too beautiful to spend it only within the four corners of our house
Carpe Diem 😉
nyx says:
So true! Getting out of our comfort zone or house walls shows us how much there is out there to learn. Thanks for your replies!
Eli says:
create new memories..=) great blogs
FitnessLovingMom says:
I nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award because you rock! http://wp.me/p1t6mc-xF
nyx says:
Thanks for the nomination, FitnessLovingMom, I was having fun checking out your healthy recipes this morning!
blanche rivera-fernandez says:
to know more of the world and think less of myself. to be thankful for what i’ve seen and haven’t seen, for what i have and don’t have.8)