Picasso once said, “Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
I believe art can also wash FORTH the soul, baring and exhibiting it. And art can transform that “dust” into powerful experiences of energy and light.
Painting with wine is one way I enjoy celebrating life’s gifts. I hope that when you view a wine-painting, you feel the emotions and imperfections of humanity. But also, the energy and movement.
Pairing Painting with Wine
Painting with red wine creates a sense of unlimited space and intense action. Both the flow and the unpredictability of this medium are an exciting process.
On my technique: Usually, there is none. But sometimes, I’ll use Chinese calligraphy brushes and a drip-method; the paintbrush itself rarely touches the paper. The wine freely flows where it wills; loosely and energetically.
Like my 5-year-old daughter says, “It goes where it wants to go.” I often paint on the floor or standing over my canvas. This gives me more control over the piece, with space to move about freely as the artwork emerges.
And, like the effects of a good wine, the magenta colours intensify with time. Their transparent layers deepen, and the final picture emerges.
Oh yes, I paint mostly women. Nude women. 😉 …Enjoy!
For more information, email nyxmartinez@gmail.com.
All images by Nyx Martinez